2. Get 15 Bucket Liners as part of the package deal.
3. Ensure that your order includes 15 Bucket Liners.
4. Don't forget to add 15 Bucket Liners to your cart.
5. Make sure to include a set of 15 Bucket Liners in your order.
Dimension is 6.3 Inch x 6.0 Inch
Compatible with Oklahoma Joe’s Smokers and Grills; The bucket liner is compatible with Oklahoma Joe's 9518545P06 Drip Bucket and same dimension as their Aluminum Drip Bucket Liners Model Number 3559773P06
Compatible with Rec Tec Grills; Fits Perfectly with Models with Large Drip Bucket: RT-700, RT-680, RT-590, RT-2500 BFG, RT-CMG Beast, RT-TMG Chuckwagon
Compatible with Pit Boss Grills 67292 Foil Liner; Same dimension and quality as the brand name bucket liner at a fraction of the price